Vladimir, Hôtel Russian Village (maisons en bois)
Situation: 10 minutes en voiture du centre de la ville
Construit: 2002
Nombre de chambres: 51
Adress: Vladimir, Moskovskoye shosse, 5a
Web: www.rusderevnya.ru
Tel: +7 4922 38 36 90
At the disposal of travelers: cozy hotel on 100 places, spacious restaurant which offers the menu of the Russian and European cuisine, a tavern "Okolica", a complex of the Russian baths and a sauna, night entertaining club "Kupidon" with the billiard hall, a modern conference room, own confectionery shop.
Houses are built of environmentally friendly material - a pine thanks to what in rooms the microclimate of an ancient Russian log hut is felt.